FHIR Value Sets
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Defining URL: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/directmessage-direction
System: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/directmessage-direction
Code | Display | Definition |
IN | Inbound | |
OUT | Outbound |
Defining URL: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/document-type
System: https://www.healthgorilla.com/document-type
Code | Display | Definition |
AdmissionOrders | Admission Orders | |
Consent | Patient IDs/Consent | |
ConsultationReport | Consultations | |
DischargeSummary | Discharge Summary | |
EmergencyVisitHistory | Emergency Visit History | |
ERReports | ER Reports | |
FaceToFaceEncounter | Face to Face Encounter | |
HistoryPhysical | History and Physical | |
HomeHealthCertAndPlanOfCare | Home Health Cert & Plan of Care | |
InOfficeProcedures | In-office Procedures | |
MedicationRequest | Medication Request | |
PatientLetters | Patient Letters | |
PhysicalTherapy | Physical Therapy | |
PhysiciansOrders | Physician's Orders | |
PlanOfCare | Plan of Care | |
Prescriptions | Prescriptions | |
ProcedureReport | Procedure Report | |
ProgressNote | Progress Note | |
RecordOfAdmission | Record of Admission | |
Referral | Referrals/Prior Auth | |
TransferSummary | Transfer Summary | |
Other | Other | |
Image | Image Document | |
File | File | |
CCDDocument | Continuity of Care Document | |
ElectronicCaseReport | Electronic Case Report |
Defining URL: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/facility-type
System: https://www.healthgorilla.com/facility-type
Code | Display | Definition |
DiagnosticLaboratories | Diagnostic Laboratory | |
RadiologyImaging | Radiology Imaging | |
GeneticTesting | Genetic Testing | |
SurgicalCenter | Surgical Center | |
PhysicalTherapy | Physical Therapy | |
SkilledNursingFacilities | Skilled Nursing Facility | |
HomeHealthAgencies | Home Health Agency | |
Pharmacies | Pharmacy | |
SleepCenters | Sleep Center | |
DurableMedicalEquipmentSupplies | Durable Medical Equipment | |
MedicalSupplies | Medical Supplier | |
Hospice | Hospice | |
AssistedLivingFacilities | Assisted Living Facility | |
ACOIPAFoundations | MSO/IPA/ACO | |
Hospitals | Hospital | |
Payers | Payer | |
Specialist | Specialist | |
UrgentCare | Urgent Care |
Defining URL: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/observation-category
System: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/observation-category
Code | Display | Definition |
functional-status | Functional Status |
Defining URL: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/order-billto
System: https://www.healthgorilla.com/order-billto
Code | Display | Definition |
self | Client (Our Account) | |
patient | Patient | |
guarantor | Guarantor | |
thirdParty | Third Party |
Defining URL: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/organization-type
System: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/organization-type
Code | Display | Definition |
PR | Practice | Practice |
PRL | Practice Location | Practice Location |
F | Facility | Facility |
IP | Insurance Provider | Insurance Provider |
CQ | Carequality Provider | Carequality Provider |
Defining URL: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/administrative-role
System: https://www.healthgorilla.com/administrative-role
Code | Display | Definition |
provider | Provider | |
nurse | Nurse | |
staff | Staff | |
officeManager | Office Manager | |
billingStaff | Billing Staff | |
admin | Administrator |
Defining URL: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/list-code
System: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/list-code
Code | Display | Definition |
careorganizations | Care Organizations | |
laborimaging | Lab or Imaging Centers | |
providers | Providers |
Diagnostic Report Reporting Priority
Defining URL | https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/diagnosticreport-reportingPriority |
Version | 2020-11-1 |
Name | DiagnosticReportReportingPriorityVS |
Status | Active |
Title | Diagnostic Report Reporting Priority Value Set |
Definition | This value set defines the set of codes that can be used to describe the urgency at which the report should be given to the clinician. |
Publisher | Health Gorilla |
All codes from system http://snomed.info/sct
Code | Display |
394848005 | Normal priority (qualifier value) |
49499008 | Stat (qualifier value) |
Diagnostic Report Interpretation
Defining URL | https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/diagnosticreport-interpretation |
Version | 2020-11-1 |
Name | DiagnosticReportInterpretationVS |
Status | Active |
Title | Diagnostic Report Interpretations Value Set |
Definition | This value set defines the set of codes that can be used to indicate the meaning/normalcy status of the laboratory results. |
Publisher | Health Gorilla |
All codes from system http://hl7.org/fhir/v2/0078
Code | Display |
A | Abnormal |
N | Normal |
Practitioner Speciality
Defining URL: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/ValueSet/practitioner-speciality
System: https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/practitioner-speciality
Code | Display | Definition |
Acupuncture | Acupuncture | |
AddictionMedicine | Addiction Medicine | |
AdolescentMedicine | Adolescent Medicine | |
Allergy | Allergy | |
AllergyImmunology | Allergy / Immunology | |
Anesthesiology | Anesthesiology | |
Audiologist | Audiologist | |
Cardiologist | Cardiologist | |
CardiovascularDisease | Cardiovascular Disease | |
Chiropractor | Chiropractor | |
ClinicalBiochemicalGenetics | Clinical Biochemical Genetics | |
ClinicalNurseSpecialist | Clinical Nurse Specialist | |
SurgeryColonRectal | Colon and Rectal Surgery | |
CriticalCareMedicine | Critical Care Medicine | |
Dentist | Dentist | |
Dermatology | Dermatology | |
DiabetesSpecialist | Diabetes Specialist | |
DiagnosticRadiologyImaging | Diagnostic Radiology / Imaging | |
EmergencyMedicine | Emergency Medicine | |
Endocrinology | Endocrinology | |
FamilyMedicine | Family Medicine | |
Gastroenterology | Gastroenterology | |
GeneralMedicine | General Medicine | |
GeneralPractice | General Practice | |
GeriatricMedicine | Geriatric Medicine | |
GynecologicOncology | Gynecologic Oncology | |
Gynecology | Gynecology | |
Hematology | Hematology | |
HematologyOncology | Hematology / Oncology | |
InfectiousDiseases | Infectious Diseases | |
InternalMedicine | Internal Medicine | |
MedicalGenetics | Medical Genetics | |
MedicalOncology | Medical Oncology | |
MultiSpecialtyGroup | Multi-Specialty Group | |
NeonatalPerinatalMedicinePediatric | Neonatal / Perinatal Pediatrics | |
Nephrology | Nephrology | |
Neurology | Neurology | |
SurgeryNeurological | Neurosurgery | |
NuclearMedicine | Nuclear Medicine | |
NursePractitioner | Nurse Practitioner | |
Obstetrics | Obstetrics | |
ObstetricsGynecology | Obstetrics / Gynecology | |
OccupationalTherapist | Occupational Therapist | |
Ophthalmology | Ophthalmology | |
Optician | Optician | |
Optometrist | Optometrist | |
Orthodontist | Orthodontist | |
SurgeryOralMaxillofacial | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | |
Orthopedic | Orthopedic | |
SurgeryOrthopedic | Orthopedic Surgery | |
Orthotist | Orthotist | |
Otolaryngology | Otolaryngology | |
PainManagement | Pain Management | |
Pathology | Pathology | |
GeneralPediatrics | Pediatric | |
AllergyImmunologyPediatric | Pediatric Allergy / Immunology | |
AnesthesiologyPediatric | Pediatric Anesthesiology | |
CardiologyPediatric | Pediatric Cardiology | |
CriticalCareMedicinePediatric | Pediatric Critical Care | |
EmergencyMedicinePediatric | Pediatric Emergency Medicine | |
EndocrinologyPediatric | Pediatric Endocrinology | |
GastroenterologyPediatric | Pediatric Gastroenterology | |
GeneticsPediatric | Pediatric Genetics | |
HematologyOncologyPediatric | Pediatric Hematology / Oncology | |
InfectiousDiseasesPediatric | Pediatric Infectious Diseases | |
NephrologyPediatric | Pediatric Nephrology | |
NeurologyPediatric | Pediatric Neurology | |
PulmonologyPediatric | Pediatric Pulmonology | |
RheumatologyPediatric | Pediatric Rheumatology | |
SportsMedicinePediatric | Pediatric Sports Medicine | |
SurgeryPediatric | Pediatric Surgery | |
Phlebology | Phlebology | |
PhysicalMedicineRehabilitation | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | |
PhysicianAssistant | Physician Assistant | |
PhysicalTherapist | Physical Therapist | |
PlasticSurgery | Plastic Surgery | |
Podiatry | Podiatry | |
PreventiveMedicine | Preventive Medicine | |
PrimaryCare | Primary Care | |
Prosthetics | Prosthetics | |
Psychologist | Psychologist | |
PsychiatryNeurology | Psychiatry Neurology | |
PulmonaryDisease | Pulmonary Disease | |
RadiationOncology | Radiation Oncology | |
Radiology | Radiology | |
RegisteredNurse | Registered Nurse | |
ReproductiveEndocrinology | Reproductive Endocrinology | |
RespiratoryTherapist | Respiratory Therapist | |
Rheumatology | Rheumatology | |
SingleSpecialtyGroup | Single-Specialty Group | |
SpeechLanguagePathologist | Speech Language Pathologist | |
SportsMedicine | Sports Medicine | |
Surgery | Surgery | |
SurgeryCriticalCare | Surgical Critical Care | |
SurgicalOncology | Surgical Oncology | |
TherapeuticRadiology | Therapeutic Radiology | |
SurgeryThoracic | Thoracic Surgery | |
SurgeryTransplant | Transplant Surgery | |
Urology | Urology | |
SurgeryVascular | Vascular Surgery |
Updated over 1 year ago