
10/7/24List of connected labsAdded Acupath Diagnostic Labs
09/12/24List of connected labsAdded Tier One Laboratories
08/27/24FHIR RESTful API GuideAdded support for Async Webhook Notifications
08/22/24SubscriptionsAdded support for Oauth Client Credential workflow
08/02/24Connected LabsAdded Texas Diagnostic Labs and Lab Services MS (AKA GeneX Laborabory)
07/12/24RequestGroupAdded support for supervisingprovider extension.
07/10/24Connected LabsAdded PRW Laboratories
06/28/24Patient Added throttle to patient creation to limit to 10 duplicate patients
06/27/24EncounterAdded Support for the date search parameter
06/27/24DiagnosticReportAdded support for the dateand codesearch parameters
06/13/24Sandbox EnvironmentAdded Sandbox Environment Page
06/12/24ConditionAdded support for codesearch parameter
06/10/24CarePlanAdded support for categorysearch parameter
06/10/24MedicationRequestAdded support for statussearch parameter.
06/10/24Connected labsRemoved LabTech Diagnostics
06/03/24Error HandlingAdded a table of common error messages
06/03/24FHIR ExtensionsAdded support of condition-encounter extension
05/21/24Connected LabsAdded Paradigm Heathcare
05/14/24Connected LabsAdded BillionToOne Labs
04/08/24Connected LabsRemoved Avero Diagnostics from Connected Labs List
01/29/24SDOHDeprecated SDOH scores section.
11/8/23PatientAdded example for searching by suffixes.
Added merge the ability to merge to patients.
10/04/23FHIR STU 3 ResourcesAdded the ability to create tenants via API
10/04/23User ProvisioningAdded the ability to create a user in a different tenant for IPA customers.
08/09/23Embedded iframeRemoved old User creation sample and creating link to User Provisioning section.
08/02/23FHIR STU 3 ResourcesRemoved old FHIR section and added new FHIR REFERENCES section
07/14/23My360 IframeRemoved the my360 iframe section as it is no longer valid. Also removed the Patient User provisioning section.
04/03/23My360 IframeAdded ability to open My360 UI inside of customer application using an iframe.
03/30/23Create a Patient UserAdded ability to create Patient Users
02/02/23FHIR RESTful API GuideStatus attribute for FamilyHistory resource is now required per FHIR spec (STU3 & R4)
02/01/23FHIR RESTful API GuideAdded information on active subscription limit.
01/31/23FHIR RESTful API GuideAdded External Identifiers and MRN to Create patient Resource section
01/09/23Patient360 Added _lastUpdated parameter to cw-search method
01/03/23User ProvisioningAdded security-role extension to enable creation of admin users.
12/28/22Lab NetworkAdded subpage describing scheduling future orders via RequestGroup API
12/23/22User ProvisioningAdded section on Clinical User Provisioning using PractitionerRole
12/14/22User ProvisioningAdded section on Non-Clinical User Provisioning use PracititionerRole
12/9/22FHIR RESTful API Guide- Encounter Resource:
-Status Attribute is now supported and required in STU3 and R4
11/30/22FHIR RESTful API Guide- Goal Resource:
- Status attribute is now required in STU3
- lifecycleStatus attribute is now required in R4
11/28/2022FHIR RESTful API Guide- Added support to search for RequestGroup by Lab Reference ID
3/4/2022FHIR RESTful API Guide

Embedded iframe
- Create new user via PractitionerRole with read-only access extension

- GET DIDCOM radiology images via DiagnosticReport
- iframe for Patient Chart SSO compatible
2/11/2022Embedded iframe

My360 (Patient Access Request API)

IAL2 Identity Verification iframe API
- iframe for Patient Chart

- My360 APIs which allows patients to retrieve their own records
- Add callback URL and result status for IAL2 identity verification iframe
09/02/2021FHIR RESTful API Guide- Added support to create new users via PractitionerRole resource
08/21/2020FHIR RESTful API Guide- Added support for Bundle resources of type 'Batch' to create resources or import documents in batches
5/01/2020Lab NetworkRequestGroup resource endpoint was extended to return information about ABN forms for the given order
01/20/2020FHIR RESTful API Guide- Search operation to retrieve DiagnosticReport resource was extended with _include parameter to return DiagnosticReport, Patient, Observations, ProcedureRequests in a single search set
12/18/2019FHIR RESTful API Guide](doc:fhir-restful-api-common)- Added support to download DiagnosticReport, DocumentReference and RequestGroup in PDF formats
11/30/2019Lab Network- Organization resource endpoint was extended to support retrieval of requisition settings for a given diagnostic facility.
11/30/2019FHIR RESTful API Guide- POST, PUT and DELETE operations were added for Organization resource to support creation and modification of Insurance Providers and Payers

- PUT (update) operation for Patient resource now supports ‘Optimistic Locking’
- New $export-ccda operation for Patient to add support for extracting the whole patient's medical history in aggregated form as one C-CDA CCD document.
- New $everything operation for Patient resource to return all medical history information about the given patient.
- Example how to create a new Observation
04/18/2019FHIR RESTful API Guide- New Bundle FHIR resource and end point support was added. Bundle resource is used to aggregate Clinical Note and related resources in a single document in the scope of C-CDA on FHIR implementation. Read more at Clinical Notes

- New MedicationDispense FHIR resource and end point support was added.
- Subscriptions end point was extended to support changes to Patient Conditions, Allergy Intolerance, Immunizations, Medication Requests, Medication Orders, Medication Dispensers, Encounters, Care Plans, Device Use, Observations, Family Member History, Goals and Procedures
- Endpoints were extended to support _lastUpdated, _offset and _count search parameters
- Patient end point supports Optimistic Locking now
- MedicationStatement resource updated to include derivedFrom attribute to reference corresponding MedicationRequest and method attribute.
- Observation FHIR resource was extended to support imaging category
03/21/2019FHIR RESTful API Guide- New PractitionerRole FHIR resource and end point support was added

- Practitioner end point was extended to support search of all practitioners available in Health Gorilla catalog
03/09/2019FHIR RESTful API Guide- New Goal FHIR resource and end point support was added