Electronic Fax
If your organization account is setup with electronic fax in Health Gorilla, then you can send and receive faxes using FaxMessage resource.
FHIR Operations
The following operations are currently supported:
1. Read
HTTP Request | Method | Action |
/FaxMessage/{ID}?_format=json | GET | Get fax message by ID |
2. Search
HTTP Request | Method | Action |
/FaxMessage?[parameter={value}] | GET | Returns FaxMessage resources matching the filter specified as parameters |
Key | Type | Description |
direction | Token | OUT for outgoing faxes and IN for incoming |
identifier | Token | FaxMessage identifier |
_lastUpdated | Date | Return FaxMessage resources that modified after the specified date. E.g. gt2019-09-05 |
2.1 Retrieve all incoming fax messages received starting 09/05/2019
2.2 Retrieve FaxMessage resource with identifier of 35f3d35d12aa8d93dd9953c0
3. Send
HTTP Request | Method | Action |
/FaxMessage | POST | Creates a new FaxMessage resource with OUT direction and sends corresponding fax message to recipients |
Send an electronic fax that is:
- originating from Organization with identifier d5da4352af2201ace56ca725 (subject to access rights validation) and
- organization's location with identifier 931490546b89416ed64ff6a4.
- use "(000) 000-1000" as your fax number (should match one of fax numbers assigned to organization)
- to "(000) 000-0001" as fax recipient
- consists of example.pdf contents and
- of Document stored in Health Gorilla with identifier bfaf6a5b9e46e25e949e211b
"resourceType": "FaxMessage",
"sender": {
"organization": {
"reference": "Organization/tl-d5da4352af2201ace56ca725-931490546b89416ed64ff6a4",
"display": "Dr. Doe Practice"
"faxNumber": "(000) 000-1000"
"recipient": [
"faxNumber": "(000) 000-0001"
"title": "My Fax",
"content" : {
"text" : "Sample"
"attachment": [
"file": {
"contentType": "application/pdf",
"data": "<BASE64 encoded contents of example.pdf>",
"title": "example.pdf"
"reference": {
"reference": "DocumentReference/bfaf6a5b9e46e25e949e211b"
In order to get notified of faxes that could not be delivered by Health Gorilla to recipients (e.g. if recipient's phone line is busy or fax number is incorrect) you can register a Subscription resource.
Failed fax message example
"fullUrl": "https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/FaxMessage/7450955f0b8602fe0e0c706c",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "FaxMessage",
"id": "7450955f0b8602fe0e0c706c",
"meta": {
"lastUpdated": "2020-10-25T10:20:56.604+00:00",
"profile": [
"identifier": [
"system": "https://www.healthgorilla.com",
"value": "7450955f0b8602fe0e0c706c"
"sentOn": "2020-10-25T10:20:38+00:00",
"sender": {
"practitioner": {
"reference": "Practitioner/c5036153e4b3c9434ba3b23d",
"display": "John Gorilla Doe, Ph. D. Psychology (F: (209) 290-3679)"
"organization": {
"reference": "Organization/tl-e20f4150465d48754d810819-ea31545185c0556b53d81de9",
"display": "San Jose Place & Place"
"faxNumber": "(209) 290-3679"
"recipient": [
"faxNumber": "(000) 000-0000",
"deliveryFailed": true
"title": "Test Fax",
"content": {
"text": "Some text here"
"attachment": [
"file": {
"contentType": "application/pdf",
"url": "https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/Binary/7851985f87824b8ed889991d",
"size": 122014,
"hash": "OTYyNTllMzEyMDZkNTlhZDhjY2I2YmE0NDIxOTUxYmQ=",
"title": "fax.pdf"
"file": {
"contentType": "application/pdf",
"url": "https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/Binary/73212552bd2e9f27e907722a",
"size": 38570,
"hash": "YzA2N2JiYmQxM2Y2YjY0MDVhNmE4NWY2NzkwODUzYmQ=",
"title": "example.pdf"
"reference": {
"reference": "DiagnosticReport/ae8ea05e9e01ef7e9a3b9f8a"
"reference": {
"reference": "DocumentReference/43e8e25ea1be726eccb14770"
"direction": {
"coding": [
"system": "https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/message-direction",
"code": "OUT",
"display": "Outgoing"
"text": "OUTGOING"
Successful fax message example
"fullUrl": "https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/FaxMessage/74f29f5f82cf31fc6af1b887",
"resource": {
"resourceType": "FaxMessage",
"id": "74f29f5f82cf31fc6af1b887",
"meta": {
"lastUpdated": "2020-10-25T10:24:58.370+00:00",
"profile": [
"identifier": [
"system": "https://www.healthgorilla.com",
"value": "74f29f5f82cf31fc6af1b887"
"sentOn": "2020-10-25T10:24:54+00:00",
"sender": {
"practitioner": {
"reference": "Practitioner/c50d615de4bdc94d4bd3b23d",
"display": "John Gorilla Doe, Ph. D. Psychology (F: (209) 290-3679)"
"organization": {
"reference": "Organization/tl-e20f6150b65ddd7d3d810819-ea3124f1f3c059fb53d81de9",
"display": "San Jose Place & Place"
"faxNumber": "(209) 290-3679"
"recipient": [
"organization": {
"reference": "Organization/f-ea0f61f0cf3cf3e228091d8e",
"display": "AdLabs"
"faxNumber": "000 000 0001"
"title": "Test fax",
"content": {
"text": "Some text here"
"attachment": [
"file": {
"contentType": "application/pdf",
"url": "https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/Binary/7652050f6c608f04c307d164",
"size": 26691,
"hash": "ZjYyNzVjYjgxODk5Yjc0YTE5ZGE3NmZiYjVjZDhkMTY=",
"title": "fax.pdf"
"reference": {
"reference": "RequestGroup/749c7f5d77f80da7124269f4"
"direction": {
"coding": [
"system": "https://www.healthgorilla.com/fhir/message-direction",
"code": "OUT",
"display": "Outgoing"
"text": "OUTGOING"
Updated over 1 year ago