The Coverage resource describes a patient’s insurance.
FHIR Resource: Coverage
Supported Attributes
Name | Comment |
identifier | Policy ID |
type | |
beneficiary | Related patient |
relationship | Self, Spouse, Parent, Other |
subscriber | |
payor | Reference to insurance provider |
grouping | | | Group Number |
grouping.planDisplay | Plan Name |
order | 1 - primary insurance 2 - secondary insurance 3 - tertiary insurance |
FHIR Operations
The following operations are currently supported:
1. Read
HTTP Request | Method | Action |
/Coverage/{ID} | GET | Retrieve Coverage resource by ID |
2. Search
HTTP Request | Method | Action |
/Coverage?[parameter={value}] | GET | Retrieve Condition resources by the specified search criteria |
Key | Type | Description |
beneficiary | Reference | Patient Identifier |
2.1. Retrieve insurances by patient
3. Create
HTTP Request | Method | Action |
/Coverage | POST | Adds insurance to patient |
The following attributes are required:
Name | Details |
identifier | |
beneficiary | |
relationship | |
payor | |
grouping |
4. Delete
HTTP Request | Method | Action |
/Coverage/{ID} | DELETE | Deletes insurance from patient |
Updated over 1 year ago